About Us
- APCOTA (Singapore APC-OTA Flora Auction Pte Ltd) is a JV company between Singapore's ADVANCED PRODUCE CENTRE DEVELOPMENT PTE. LTD. and Japan’s OTA FLORICULTURE AUCTION CO. LTD. Which is ranked the 3rd largest flower auction company in the world. It handles 30,000 varieties of Japan flowers and 6,000 varieties of flowers worldwide every year. 日本大田花卉(新加坡)拍卖有限公司是日本大田总公司在新加坡成立的合资公司。日本总公司年均销售三万个品 种的日本花卉与六千个来自世界各地不同品种的花卉,目 前排行世界第三大花卉拍卖公司。
- APCOTA is also the authorised distributor of Japan Hyponex fertilisers and gardening products for Malaysia and Singapore. APCOTA 为日本 • HYPONEX • 指定在马来西亚与新加坡的肥料经销商。 肥料产品范围包含适宜胡姬花 、和其他花卉、绿叶、 草坪、榴莲果树、各种热带瓜果等专用肥料,以及各种园艺器材用具。